Product range

In our offer there are more than 3000 different elements for exhaust assembling and we constantly expand our range.
Most important are: diesel particulate filters, rubber elements, gaskets and rings, rigid pipe connectors, springs, clamps, bolts and nuts, flexible pipe connectors, repair kits.
Please feel free to view our offer.


We offer high products availability with nearly 100% performance of orders.

Products quality

High quality of products is one of our priorities. We achieve it by careful selection of raw material suppliers and restrictive quality control of ready products. We conduct quality and material research and checking in collaboration with the Technical University of Lodz and the automotive industry experts.


Goods are packed in individual plastic bags and labelled. We offer the possibility of printing the customer’s own logo, individual code references , barcodes, etc.


Quick dispatch and short delivery time are our strengths. Goods are delivered by couriers or can be picked up with client’s own transport from our warehouse in Lodz.

Support for our customers

We offer different elements of marketing, technical and sales support. We help to build and optimize customer’s stock.