When thinking about workshop equipment, the first thing that comes to mind is the so-called “larger equipment”: drills, saws, car jacks and many other large-size items. Meanwhile, they are only the tip of the iceberg. Necessary accessories are much more, e.g. bolts, nuts, pins, washers, bushings, clamps. So what else must the owner of a good workshop remember? How should he replenish his resources? Which no car repair shop can do without? It is worth knowing how to equip it in order to be able to efficiently remove a defect or necessary repair.
A perfectly equipped workshop
It is no wonder that in a professional workshop, the most eye-catching equipment is large equipment. Similarly, when we think about buying for it, we remember about hammers and screwdrivers, but bolts, nuts, pins, washers, bushings, clamps won’t necessarily cross our minds. And these are equally important accessories. Without these little helpers, it is difficult to imagine proper and effective work. So let’s know which no car repair shop can do without.
The most important equipment, i.e. which no car repair shop can do without
The workshop equipment is quite a challenge. In order to choose the right set of tools and not forget about anything, the first thing you should do is ask yourself what you need them for. It is worth realizing whether we only carry out minor repairs from time to time or, on the contrary, we spend long hours on complex projects.
Depending on the demand, it is worth creating a list of the most important and useful tools, based on which we will equip our workshop.
What should every workshop contain?
Professional workshops contain thousands of various tools. Thanks to them, even the most complex repairs can be carried out. When creating the list of necessary accessories, we must remember about large equipment, but also about the smallest elements, such as bolts, nuts, pins, washers, bushings, clamps. Only a compactly equipped workshop will guarantee effective and professional work. What should be in it?
Workshop content — tools and larger equipment, which no car repair shop can do without
These are all electrical devices and larger tools, which are the basis for all workshop activities. Without them, it is difficult to talk about any repairs. So it is a big investment to start with, but once bought high-quality tools, they will serve in the workshop for many years.
Socket and flat wrenches
It is worth having several sizes of the socket and flat wrenches in your workshop. Handy kits are usually available in stores. It is good to have several sizes in order to be able to use them for parts of different sizes. When making a purchase, you also need to pay attention to the details of execution. Product durability is guaranteed only by the alloy of chrome-vanadium steel.
Standard sizes of wrenches are usually included in the sets. If we need others, you should buy them separately.
Without them, it is certainly impossible to imagine a well-equipped workshop. Before buying, however, it is necessary to choose the right type. We will use different screwdrivers for electrical works, and different ones for construction works. Still, others will be needed for car repairs. Depending on the intended use, select the appropriate set. This is of great importance because, for example, in an electrician, you need to use insulated tools to protect yourself from electric shock.
Here, too, it is good to pay attention to quality. A good screwdriver should be made of chrome vanadium steel. What’s more, it should have a comfortable, large handle, thanks to which work will be much more comfortable and safe.
It is a very important component of the workshop equipment. When making a purchase, however, you need to pay attention to the purpose of the pliers. For example, there will be different tools for precision work and different tools for hydraulics.
Allen keys
Without them, it is impossible to imagine bicycle and car repairs. Depending on the degree of use, you can choose different types of finishes: matte, chrome or black.
It’s a precision tool that helps you capture hard-to-reach, delicate items. Various types of pliers are available, depending on their purpose, for example, universal or insulated.
Electrical equipment – drill, vacuum cleaner, etc.
These are essential accessories in every workshop. They facilitate work, and after completing the task, they help to organize the workspace.

Workshop equipment – “the smallest helpers”, which no car repair shop can do without (except tools)
This is a very wide category of products, so it is impossible to list them all. These are all kinds of bolts, nuts, pins, washers, bushings, clamps. In other words, these are workshop consumables that are used a lot and need to be replenished frequently. Usually, in wholesalers you buy them by the kilogram, we need so much of them.
Among these small accessories, there are also noteworthy measuring cups, cable cutters, flashlights, etc. They are very important because they improve and speed up the performance of individual tasks. Due to their size, however, they often get lost, so it’s worth having a few more pieces in stock. Such caution will ensure smooth work when we suddenly need to measure or illuminate something quickly.
All these gadgets, although very small, cannot be overlooked when furnishing our workspace. Some of them seem less obvious when we think about the content of the workshop, so it is worth carefully preparing a list of these “little helpers” in advance.
Bolts, nuts, pins, washers, bushings, clamps – which no car repair shop can do without
This is a very broad category of products and it is impossible to list all the necessary elements. However, it is worth realizing that without them, no professional workshop can function properly. They take up little space and can help with every day repairs.
When composing a list of necessary details for the workshop, we absolutely must take them into account. The purchase of specific elements should be made dependent on what we specifically do in our work. In case of doubt, we can consult sales advisors in wholesalers or specialist supermarkets. But if you already know exactly what you need then bolts, nuts, pins, washers, bushings, clamps are best bought directly from the manufacturer.
Flashlights and lamps
These are seemingly accessories that are not necessarily required in the workshop. However, if we think about it, they are mandatory. The lamp will help illuminate the work desk where we deal with smaller items. In turn, the flashlight is a device that can fit anywhere and precisely illuminate, for example, the chassis of a car.
Automotive fuses
They are also less obvious accessories, but very necessary in every workshop. They will be useful in emergency situations, when we need to quickly replace them, for example in a compressor or rectifier.
Bulbs and LEDs
It’s good to have a few spare pieces, preferably in several sizes, so that you can replace them quickly if necessary.
A small thing without which no workshop can function properly. It is good to have it in your pocket at all times while working. It’s also worth buying a few more pieces, because it’s the kind of accessories that like to get lost sometimes.
Insulating tapes, masking tapes, etc.
They facilitate all renovation works and repair of faults.
Scissors and knives
They are useful for cutting cable ends or other unnecessary elements.

I already have the tools, but what next? Which no car repair shop can do without?
When we have gathered all the necessary accessories and tools, we still need to organize it all. Appropriate containers, shelves and boxes will be required for this. Most stores that sell gadgets for the workshop also offer storage furniture. You should consider buying them because they will allow you to properly store all the elements and organize them. This is especially important when it comes to small items such as bolts, nuts, pins, washers, bushings, clamps that are easy to get lost.
Repairs in the gala outfit? Not necessarily!
When thinking about the workshop equipment, we must not forget about the appropriate work clothes. It is true that driving a nail does not require a special uniform, but when a plumbing or repairing a car, we will certainly get dirty.
It is best to buy professional protective clothing for this purpose, which is necessary for every workshop. You will need suitable safety shoes, coveralls, gloves, etc. They have the necessary approvals, thus guaranteeing durability and safety at work.
Where to buy? A common market, a speciality store?
The answer is simple: it depends. It is not worth overpaying for some things and you can easily look for bargains in popular supermarkets. However, more specialized tools are better suited to a longer investment. Then we can be sure that they will not break down too quickly and will maintain the appropriate parameters.
On the other hand, bolts, nuts, pins, washers, bushings, clamps, i.e. the necessary small items, should preferably come from a direct manufacturer. The prices are then lower than in stores. And you can be sure of maintaining the assortment and quick order fulfilment. What is also important is knowing the manufacturer and knowing what quality you can expect. On the other hand, supermarkets receive screws, nuts, bolts, washers, bushings, clamps from various sources, so even taking them from one shelf, you get an unverified mix.
Orion, the producer of bolts, nuts, pins, washers, bushings, clamps and many others, invites you to contact by e-mail or telephone.